Mar 10, 2025
2017-2018 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ENTR 295 Entrepreneurial InternshipStudents will participate in an internship at an approved organization in which the key objective is experience based learning. Students will choose to intern at an organization initiating entrepreneurial activities or within an industry in which the student would like to start or buy a company. These organizations can be either for profit or not-for-profit. Students will be required to keep weekly journals of their experiences and how these experiences relate to their required readings. This internship can only be taken after successfully completing nine entrepreneurial credits or by approval from the department chairperson. Pre-requisite(s): ENTR 150 Legal Issues in Entrepreneurship or ENTR 210 Entrepreneurial Finance . Terms Offered: Fall, Spring Offered Distance Learning: Yes Credits: 3 Contact Hours: Lecture: 1 Other: 6