Mar 31, 2025  
2022-2023 College Catalog 
2022-2023 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid

Financial aid is available to qualified students at Hudson Valley Community College. Financial aid is any grant, scholarship, loan, or employment opportunity with the express purpose of assisting students with education related expenses. Financial aid at Hudson Valley Community College is awarded on the basis of student need and the availability of funds.

Financial aid funding comes primarily from four sources: the federal government, state government, colleges and universities, and private organizations. Descriptions of the aid programs, eligibility requirements, application procedures, and award amounts are summarized on the following pages. Additional financial aid resources are available at and at Hudson Valley scholarship information is available at

Students who wish to be considered for financial aid programs administered by Hudson Valley Community College must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) annually. The FAFSA may be completed online at New York State residents who complete their FAFSA online will also have the opportunity to complete their NYS Student Aid Payment Application in the same session or at

Application Processing

The Financial Aid Office makes every effort to process all applications in a timely manner. We may be required to request additional documentation which can cause delays in processing. The U.S. Department of Education selects some applicants for a process called verification. The Financial Aid Office will notify students via HVCC email regarding all documents required to complete the verification process. This notification will occur within two weeks of the receipt of the application once the student has applied for admission to the college. Students should submit all requested documentation immediately so processing can be continued. Once all requested documents are received and processed and the student has been accepted into a program, the student will receive an electronic SUNY Award Letter via their HVCC email.

Failure to submit required documentation prevents notification of approved awards. Only approved awards can be used as a credit towards payment of the student’s tuition bill. All required documents must be submitted two weeks prior to the student’s last day of attendance for the term in order to meet processing deadlines for federal aid programs. Failure to do so can result in the loss of awards for that term. In some cases, students may qualify for an extension to submit documentation. This extension does not allow for processing of federal student loans.

Verification Procedures

Hudson Valley Community College will follow all verification requirements as outlined in the U.S. Department of Education Application and Verification Guide. For students selected for verification, no Title IV financial aid will be determined until the verification process is satisfactorily completed.

Students selected for verification will be notified via their HVCC email to submit all documents necessary to complete the verification process. The Mastrangelo Financial Aid Center will compare all submitted documents to the information provided on the student’s FAFSA. Any discrepancies will be corrected electronically with the U.S. Department of Education. Students will then be notified of their award eligibility via their HVCC email. If awards are adjusted at a later date, the student will be sent an email to view their revised awards in WIReD.

Verification documents must be submitted and processed prior to the student’s last day of attendance if the student wishes to borrow federal student loans. Processing can take a minimum of two weeks.

The deadline date for completing verification and confirming federal grant eligibility is also the student’s last date of enrollment. (In limited cases there could be an extension of 120 days after the student’s last date of enrollment.)

Failure to submit the required documentation by the deadline may result in a delay or loss of financial aid eligibility.

If Hudson Valley Community College suspects that a student or other individual has misreported information or altered documentation to fraudulently obtain federal funds, all relevant information and evidence will be reported to the Office of Inspector General at:

Office of Inspector General
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-1500

Degree Applicable Credit Hours

Students can only receive federal and state aid for courses that count toward their degree program. An error message will occur when a student schedules a course that is NOT degree-applicable. Students can view their scheduled courses on WIReD. Tuition bills will NOT reflect financial aid for courses that are not degree-applicable. Students should review their schedule and tuition bills very carefully for any discrepancies relating to courses and financial aid.

Cost of Attendance (COA)

This is the amount that the Financial Aid Office estimates it will cost a full-time student to attend Hudson Valley Community College for one academic year. The COA is calculated based on rules established by the U.S. Congress. The COA includes tuition and fees, allowances for room and board, books and supplies, transportation, personal expenses and loan fees. A student’s total financial aid assistance (i.e. grants, scholarships, student loans, tuition assistance) cannot exceed their COA.

Students with unusual expenses may request an evaluation of their COA by submitting a letter to the Financial Aid Office detailing the circumstances, amount of expenses involved and providing documentation of the expenses. The COA determines a student’s estimated costs related to attendance at the college. It is not intended to reflect full support requirements. Financial aid provides assistance for educational expenses, not full support. Students should be aware that requests for adjustments to the COA do not in any way indicate that there is financial aid to cover such adjustments.

Financial Need and Expected Family Contribution

Financial aid from most of the major federal programs is based on financial need (except for unsubsidized Federal Direct Stafford and PLUS loans). When you apply for federal student aid, using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the information you provide is used in a formula established and approved by the U.S. Department of Education called Federal Methodology (FM). The formula calculates your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). This is the amount that you and your family will be expected to have available to contribute to your education. If your EFC is below an amount set by the federal government, you should be eligible for a Federal Pell Grant, assuming you meet all other eligibility requirements.  The Financial Aid Office subtracts your EFC from your cost of attendance (COA).

COA- EFC = Estimated Financial Need to Attend School

If a student has financial need, this need can be filled with grants, federal work study, scholarships and subsidized Federal Direct Loans, depending on the student’s eligibility.

Students who have little or no financial need can receive grants and scholarships for which they are eligible. However, they may have limited or no eligibility for subsidized Federal Direct Loans. These students, in most cases, would qualify for unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan funds.

You can get further information on the EFC formula by contacting the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-4FEDAID or from their website at

Estimated Cost of Attendance for Full-Time Students
Fall 2022 and Spring 2023

  New York Resident WITH Certificate of Residence New York Resident WITHOUT Certificate of Residence

Not a New York State Resident/

Tuition & Fees $6,018 $10,818 $11,118
Room & Board $10,000 $10,000 $10,000
Books & Supplies $1,500 $1,500 $1,500
Transportation $3,000 $3,000 $3,000
Personal Expenses $2,000 $2,000 $2,000
Loan Fees $56 $56 $56
Total $22,574 $27,374 $27,674

Federal financial aid at Hudson Valley Community College is awarded based on full-time enrollment, your EFC and the estimated Cost of Attendance charts above. The tuition, fees, and book components of Cost of Attendance will be reduced for any student enrolled in less than full-time financial aid hours during the fall, spring and summer semesters. Cost of Attendance for students enrolled less than 1/2 time (5 credit hours or less) will not include allowances for room and board or personal expenses. Students must contact the Financial Aid Office immediately to have their tuition and fees reviewed based on part-time enrollment.

Code of Conduct

No officer, employee or agent of the college shall enter into a revenue-sharing arrangement with any lender. A “revenue-sharing arrangement” is any arrangement between the college and a lender under which the lender makes Title IV loans to students attending the college (or to the families of those students), the institution recommends the lender or the loan products of the lender and, in exchange, the lender pays a fee or provides other material benefits, including revenue or profit-sharing, to the institution or to its officers, employees, or agents.

No employee of the Financial Aid Office shall receive gifts from a lender, guaranty agency or loan servicer. No officer or employee of the Financial Aid Office (or an employee or agent who otherwise has responsibilities with respect to education loans) may solicit or accept any gift from a lender, guarantor, or servicer of educational loans. A “gift” is defined as any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, or other item having monetary value.

No officer or employee of the Financial Aid Office (or employee or agent who otherwise has responsibilities with respect to education loans) may accept from a lender, or an affiliate of any lender, any fee, payment, or other financial benefit as compensation for any type of consulting arrangement or contract to provide services to or on behalf of a lender relating to education loans.

No officer, agent or employee of the college shall assign, through the award packaging or other methods, the borrower’s loan to a particular lender nor shall it refuse to certify, or delay the certification, of any loan based on the borrower’s selection of a particular lender or guaranty agency.

The college may not request or accept from any lender any offer of funds for private loans, including funds for an opportunity pool loan, to students in exchange for providing concessions or promises to the lender for a specific number of Title IV loans made, insured, or guaranteed, a specified loan volume, or a preferred lender arrangement. An “opportunity pool loan” is defined as a private education loan made by a lender to a student (or the student’s family) that involves a payment by the institution to the lender for extending credit to the student.

The college may not request or accept from any lender any assistance with call center staffing or Financial Aid Office staffing, except that a lender may provide professional development training, educational counseling materials (as long as the materials identify the lender that assisted in preparing the materials), or staffing services on a short-term, nonrecurring basis during emergencies or disasters.

No employee of the Financial Aid Office (or employee who otherwise has responsibilities with respect to education loans or financial aid) who serves on an advisory board, commission, or group established by a lender or guarantor (or a group of lenders or guarantors) shall receive anything of value from the lender, guarantor, or group, except for reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred by the employee serving on the board.

Federal Programs

The following federal student aid programs are administered by the Financial Aid Office. For policies that affect financial aid eligibility, please see Policies Affecting Federal Financial Aid Eligibility.

Federal Pell Grant

The Federal Pell Grant is awarded to eligible full and part-time undergraduate students who have not yet earned a bachelor’s degree. The amount of the award, if available, is determined by the student’s EFC. The Federal Pell Grant may be used for any college-related expenses and does not have to be repaid (unless the student stops attending classes and it is determined that the student has been overpaid). An undergraduate student can receive 12 semesters (or its part-time equivalent) of full-time Pell Grant funds.

Application Procedures: Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) annually. After the application has been processed, the student will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR). Based on the SAR information, the Financial Aid Office will determine the student’s eligibility for federal student aid. Once the award is determined, the Federal Pell Grant will be credited to the student’s account and will be disbursed according to the college’s disbursement policy.

Selection of Recipients and Allocation of Awards: In order to be eligible for a Federal Pell Grant, the student must be matriculated in an eligible degree program, taking degree-applicable credit hours, in good academic standing, and making satisfactory academic progress.

Financial need is determined by the information provided on the student’s FAFSA. A formula developed by the U.S. Department of Education and approved by the U.S. Congress is applied to the application during processing. The formula calculates the student’s Estimated Family Contribution (EFC), on which Pell eligibility is based.

Award Schedule: Federal Pell Grant awards range from $623 to $6345. The amount of the award is determined by the student’s EFC and enrollment status. The Pell Grant award is not duplicative of state awards.

Rights and Responsibilities of Recipients: The student must continue to make satisfactory academic progress in their program. (See Federal Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements). The student must not owe any refunds from the Federal Pell Grant or any other Federal student aid program, and must not be in default on any student loan. The student must be enrolled in degree-applicable credit hours and continue to participate in classes regularly. The student must not have previously earned the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree.

Please refer to for Pell Grant disbursement information.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)

This federal grant is awarded to eligible full- and part-time undergraduate students. The amount of the award is determined by the student’s financial need, and by the amount of funding available to the college. SEOG may be used for any college-related expenses and, as a grant, does not have to be repaid (unless the student stops attending classes and it is determined that the student has been overpaid).

Application Procedures: Eligibility for SEOG is automatically determined for all students who complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Application Information can be found online at

Selection of Recipients and Allocation of Awards: To be eligible for SEOG, the student must: (1) be in exceptional financial need to the extent that without SEOG the student’s education could not be continued; (2) be matriculated in an eligible degree program and enrolled for six or more credits; (3) not owe any refunds from the Federal Pell Grant or any other Federal student aid program, and the student must not be in default on any student loan.

Award Schedule: Awards range from $100 to $1,000, depending upon the student’s financial need, the availability of SEOG funds at Hudson Valley Community College, and the amount of any other financial aid. The average award at HVCC is $200 per semester.

Rights and Responsibilities of Recipients: The student must continue to make satisfactory academic progress in their program. (See Federal Satisfactory Academic Progress). The student must not owe any refunds from the Federal Pell Grant or any other Federal student aid program, and must not be in default on any student loan. The student must be enrolled in degree-applicable credit hours and continue to participate in classes regularly. The student must not have previously earned the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree.

Please refer to for SEOG Grant disbursement information.

Federal Work-Study Program (FWS)

The Federal Work-Study Program is financed by federal funds. This program gives the student the opportunity to pay for part of their educational expenses by working a part-time job.

Application Procedures: Eligibility for FWS is determined for all students who complete the FAFSA. Application information can be found online at

Selection of Recipients and Allocation of Awards: In order for a student to be eligible for FWS, the student must be matriculated, be enrolled at least half-time in an eligible degree program, and have unmet financial need.

The college makes employment reasonably available to all eligible students. Students may apply for FWS after eligibility is confirmed by the Financial Aid Office. All applications are received by the Center for Careers and Transfer. Qualified applicants are interviewed for a possible placement.

Award Schedule: The Financial Aid Office and the Center for Careers and Transfer work with qualified applicants for a job placement. Students may work up to 20 hours per week during enrollment periods and up to 35 hours per week during non-enrollment periods.

Students are paid $11.80 per hour and receive a paycheck every two weeks.

Rights and Responsibilities of Recipients: The student must continue to make satisfactory academic progress in their program. (See Federal Satisfactory Academic Progress). The student must not owe any refunds from the Federal Pell Grant or any other Federal student aid program, and must not be in default on any student loan. The student must be enrolled in degree-applicable credit hours and continue to participate in classes regularly. An overall GPA of 2.0 must be maintained to participate in this program.

Federal Direct Student Loan

Federal Direct Student Loans are a way for the student to borrow money from the federal government to pay for some of his/her educational expenses. Hudson Valley Community College will use the student’s Federal Direct Loan to pay for school charges, and will disburse remaining money to the student for other educational expenses.

There are three types of Federal Direct Loans:

  • Federal Direct Subsidized Loans - These loans are based on financial need. The federal government will defer the interest on this type of loan while the student is enrolled in college as long as the student is in at least 6 credit hours.
  • Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans - Eligible students may borrow this type of loan regardless of need. There is no deferment of interest during periods of enrollment.
  • Federal Direct PLUS loans - Parents of eligible dependent students may borrow this loan to assist with their child’s educational expenses.

Application Procedures: Eligibility for the Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans is automatically determined for all students who complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

If students choose to borrow a loan, they must complete the loan process on HVCC WIReD. The student will be required to complete an online master promissory note and entrance counseling session as part of the application.

The student must complete an exit interview when he/she graduates or stops attending the college.

Promissory notes; entrance and exit counseling are completed here:

Loan applications must be submitted in a timely manner. Students should refer to WIReD for loan procedures and deadlines. The loan process may take up to two weeks.

Selection of Recipients and Allocation of Awards: To be eligible for a Federal Direct Loan, the student must: (1) be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien; (2) be enrolled in at least six degree-applicable credit hours and be matriculated in an eligible degree program; and (3) not owe any refunds from the Federal Pell Grant or any other Federal student aid program, and must not be in default on any student loan.

Loan Schedule: A first-year undergraduate student (defined as fewer than 27 degree hours earned) may borrow up to $3,500 per year. Eligibility increases to $4,500 for students defined as second-year students (27+ earned degree hours). Dependent students qualify for an additional $2,000 per year in unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan funds. Independent students qualify for an additional $4,000 per year in unsubsidized Federal Direct Loans. An undergraduate may borrow up to a lifetime limit of $31,000 or $57,500 if the student is considered independent for federal financial aid purposes.

Students who are new federal loan borrowers on or after July 1, 2013 will qualify for subsidized federal loans until they reach their 150 percent maximum eligibility period. This period is measured in academic years and is based on the published length of the student’s program. Once a borrower has reached this limitation, the interest subsidy ends for all outstanding subsidized loans that were disbursed on or after July 1, 2013. The student could continue to receive unsubsidized loans if otherwise eligible. More information can be found at

Repayment Terms: The interest rate for the Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loan programs is fixed at 2.75 percent for the 2022-2023 academic year. The interest rate for the Federal Direct PLUS Loan is fixed at 5.30 percent. Additionally, all Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans borrowers are charged an origination fee of 1.057 percent. Direct PLUS borrowers are charged a 4.228 percent origination fee.

There are several different payment plans available.  Student borrowers should researchpayment plans at

Students must contact their loan servicer regarding payment plan changes.

It is the student’s responsibility to maintain contact with their loan servicer(s). Students can access their loan history and current servicer(s) at

Rights and Responsibilities of Recipients: The student must continue to make satisfactory academic progress in his/her program. (See Federal Satisfactory Academic Progress). The student must not owe any refunds from the Federal Pell Grant or any other Federal student aid program, and must not be in default on any student loan. The student must be enrolled in degree-applicable credit hours and continue to participate in classes regularly. The student must maintain 6 degree applicable credit hours to be eligible.

Please refer to for Direct Loan disbursement information.

Summer Federal Pell Grants

Application Procedures: Eligibility for a summer Pell Grant is automatically determined for all students who complete the FAFSA. Students who do not wish to receive a summer Pell Grant due to the limited number of award semesters remaining must notify the Financial Aid Office in writing.

Selection of Recipients and Allocation of Awards: To be eligible for a summer Pell Grant, students must be matriculated in an eligible degree program taking degree-applicable credit hours, in good academic standing and making satisfactory academic progress.

Award Schedule: The amount of the award will be based on the Pell Grant schedule for the corresponding academic year, the student’s EFC and the student’s enrollment status.

Year-round Pell: In certain situations, an eligible student can receive up to 150 percent of his or her scheduled Pell Grant award for an award year.  This is referred to as “year-round Pell.” Year-round Pell allows a student to receive a Federal Pell Grant for three semesters for each award year: fall, spring, and summer. A student must meet the following criteria before they can receive this additional award:

  1. Student must be matriculated in a degree program
  2. Student must meet federal academic standards
  3. Student must have received all of the initial Pell Grant
  4. Student must enroll for a minimum of 6 degree applicable credit hours in summer

Rights and Responsibilities of Recipients: The student must continue to make satisfactory academic progress in their program (see Federal Satisfactory Academic Progress). The student must not owe any refunds from the Federal Pell Grant or any other Federal student aid program, and must not be in default on any student loan. The student must be enrolled in degree-applicable credit hours and continue to participate in classes regularly. The student must not have previously earned the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree.

Title IV Disbursement Policy

Federal Pell Grant and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)

After tuition and other charges due to Hudson Valley Community College are deducted, the remaining financial aid will be refunded to the student. The college disburses these proceeds in installments. For percentages and disbursement dates, please visit

Federal Direct Loan Programs

After tuition and other charges due to Hudson Valley Community College are deducted, the remaining student loan proceeds will be refunded to the student. The college disburses these loan proceeds in installments. For percentages and disbursement dates, please visit

Students should have sufficient resources available to cover educational costs anticipated through at least the first four weeks of classes (e.g. rent deposits, rent for September/January if due on the first of the month, food, transportation, school supplies, etc.).

To receive federal student aid, students actively participate in classes regularly. Financial aid disbursements will be put on hold for students who have no passing midterm grades until participation can be confirmed. Final grades are reviewed to determine if the student has participated in courses.

U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Educational Benefits

Eligible United States military service members and families are entitled to receive educational benefits for full- or part-time study under the provision of several different programs. They are as follows:

Chapter 30 Montgomery G.I. Bill®- Active Duty
Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation
Chapter 32 Post-Vietnam Era Veterans’ Educational Assistance Program (VEAP)
Chapter 33 Post-9/11 G.I. Bill®
Chapter 35 Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance Program (DEA)
Chapter 1606 Montgomery G.I. Bill® - Selected Reserve
Chapter 1607 Reserve Education Assistance Program (REAP)

Application Procedures: Application forms are available at and submitted to the Registrar’s office in the Guenther Enrollment Services Center.

Veteran Deferrals: Students continuing use of educational benefits may receive a tuition deferral at the Registrar’s Office. Students who will be receiving benefits for the first time at HVCC must submit a Certificate of Eligibility prior to receipt of a tuition deferral.

VA Work Study: This program provides part-time employment to students receiving VA education benefits who attend 3/4-time or more.Work Study students are paid either the State or Federal minimum wage, whichever is greater. More information regarding this program, including how to apply can be obtained at the Registrar’s Office or on the VA website.

Rights and Responsibilities of Recipients: Educational and vocational counseling will be provided by Veterans Affairs on request. A program of education outside the United States may be pursued at an approved institution of higher learning.

Institutions are required to report promptly to the Department of Veterans Affairs any interrupted attendance or termination of study on the part of students receiving benefits.

G.I. Bill®is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at

New York State Programs

Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)

The New York State Higher Education Services Corporation (NYSHESC) administers the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP). TAP is a grant and does not have to be repaid.

Application Procedures: Students must complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) electronically at Students will be able to link to their online NYS Student Aid Payment Application at the end of the FAFSA session.

A student that does not complete a FAFSA online will be sent an email with instructions for completing the online NYS Student Aid Payment Application.

If a student provides an email address on their FAFSA, NYSHESC will use that address to contact them about their NYS Student Aid Payment Application, give processing updates, or award information. Please respond to any requests or instructions sent by NYSHESC. The status of awards is contingent upon the annual approval of the New York State budget.

The NYS Student Aid Payment Application deadline is June 30 of the academic year for which aid is sought.

Selection of Recipients and Allocation of Awards: TAP is an entitlement program. To qualify, the student must: (1) be a New York State resident and a U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien; (2) be enrolled full time* and matriculated at an approved New York State postsecondary institution; (3) meet income requirements (see the TAP application for details); (4) be charged a tuition of at least $200 per year; and (5) be in compliance with the academic requirements.

Please note: Students who graduated from a foreign high school and who do not have a prior college degree must take and pass all components of an approved ability- to-benefit test. Please refer to “Academic Qualifications” under “Policies Affecting Aid Eligibility” for further information. More information regarding Ability to Benefit is available online at

*Full-time status for New York State awards is determined by enrollment in 12 or more degree-applicable credits per term. A course in which a grade of “D” (“C” if that is the course’s passing grade) or better was previously earned is not counted toward the 12 hour full-time study requirement.

Undergraduate students may generally receive eight total TAP awards throughout their course of post-secondary study. New York State, however, has limited students to six term awards while enrolled in an associate’s degree program.

Award Schedule: The TAP award is scaled according to the student’s level of study, tuition charge and New York State net taxable income from the previous tax year.

Aid for Part-Time Study (APTS)

APTS is a New York State grant program that provides funding for students attending college on a part-time basis (3-11 degree-applicable credits per term). At HVCC, this grant is awarded only to students who have a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average from prior attendance.

Selection of Recipients and Allocation of Awards: Awards will be made to dependent and independent students who meet the income limits set by the New York Higher Education Services Corporation (NYSHESC). See the APTS application available online at

Applications must be completed and submitted to the Financial Aid Office by the deadline indicated on the application.

Applicants must be an undergraduate New York State resident enrolled for 3 to 11 credits (Note: Part-time status is determined by enrollment in no less than 3 degree applicable hours and no more than 11 credit hours. Courses in which a grade of “D”(“C” if that is the course’s passing grade) or better was previously earned are not counted toward the part-time study requirement.

After receiving one term of APTS, the student must maintain a 2.0 cumulative average. Additionally, students are not eligible for APTS if they have used all terms of TAP eligibility.

Award Schedule: APTS awards at Hudson Valley Community College range from $100 to $1,000. Awards are determined by the Financial Aid Office based on availability of funds and the number of eligible applicants.

Part-Time TAP

To be eligible for Part-Time TAP, a student must have been a first-time freshman in the 2006-07 academic year or thereafter. A student must have earned 12 credits or more in each of any two consecutive preceding semesters, for a minimum total of 24 credits earned, be a New York State resident enrolled on a part-time basis (6 to 11 degree-applicable credits), and must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average.

Application Procedures: The application process is the same as the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP), using the NYS Student Aid Payment Application.

Accelerated Study

To be eligible for an Accelerated Study TAP payment during a summer term, a student must have been a full-time student during the prior spring term. A student is eligible only upon earning 24 degree-applicable credits in the two terms prior to the accelerated study term. This criteria must be met each time an accelerated award is sought. Transfer credits are not applicable.

Application Procedures: The application process is the same as for the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP), using the NYS Student Aid Payment Application.

Veterans Tuition Awards (VTA)

These New York programs are eligible for veterans matriculated at a degree-granting institution in New York State. Awards are available for full-time and part-time study.

Application Procedures: Students must first establish eligibility by completing the New York State Veterans Tuition Award Supplement. In addition, students must apply for payment each year by completing the Free Application for Federal State Aid (FAFSA) and the New York State Student Aid Payment Application.

Selection of Recipients and Allocation of Awards: Funding is available for New York State residents discharged under honorable conditions from the U.S. Armed Forces and who are:

  • Vietnam Veterans who served in Indochina between February 28, 1961 and May 7,1975.
  • Persian Gulf Veterans who served in the Persian Gulf on or after August 2, 1990.
  • Afghanistan Veterans who served in Afghanistan during hostilities on or after September 11, 2001.
  • Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces who served in hostilities that occurred after February 28, 1961 as evidenced by receipt of an Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Navy Expeditionary Medal or Marine Expeditionary Medal.

To qualify, student also must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen.
  • Have graduated from a U.S. high school, earned a GED or passed a federally approved “Ability to Benefit” test.
  • Not be in default on a student loan guaranteed by HESC or any repayment of state awards.
  • Be in good academic standing
  • Have at least a “C” cumulative average after receipt of two annual payments

Award Schedule: Funding for this program is based on the approval of the New York State budget. Awards will be set at $6,195 or tuition, whichever is less. If a TAP award is also received, the total combined award cannot exceed the student’s total tuition cost. Post-9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33) benefits are considered duplicative of any VTA awards the student may have received. Undergraduate students are eligible to receive awards for up to eight semesters (four years) of study.

More information can be found online at

Policies Affecting Federal Financial Aid Eligibility


To be eligible for state or federal financial aid, a student must be accepted into a major and pursuing courses toward that degree or certificate program.

Academic Qualifications

To be eligible for federal financial aid (includes the Pell Grant, Federal Work-Study, SEOG and Federal Direct Loans), a student must have a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent (i.e. New York State GED or homeschooling).

Exception: students who were enrolled in an eligible educational program of study before July 1, 2012 may be considered federal aid eligible if they previously passed an approved Ability to Benefit (ATB) test or successfully completed at least 6 degree-applicable credit hours. The student must provide appropriate documentation to the Financial Aid Office.

Students seeking New York State financial aid (i.e. TAP or APTS) who do not have a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent must pass an independently administered examination approved by the U.S. Department of Education. Students who have a foreign high school diploma or were homeschooled are also subject to this requirement.

The testing deadline for New York State aid eligibility is the last day of the add/drop period for the effective term.

The U.S. Department of Education also has established that institutions use a passing score (cut-score) that is one full standard deviation below the mean for the examination.

Effective Nov. 1, 2015, COMPASS and ASSET tests will no longer be approved tests by the U.S. Department of Education. The college will be administering the ACCUPLACER exam beginning on this date.

The college’s current placement test, ACCUPLACER, has been approved as a measure of the ability of a student to benefit from post-secondary instruction.

The minimum passing scores for such students on the ACCUPLACER test are:

Reading Comprehension: 55
Sentence Skill (Writing): 60
Arithmetic: 34

Students must obtain a passing score on all components of the tests to be eligible for New York State financial aid programs.

Prior to Nov. 1, 2015 the college’s former placement tests, ASSET and COMPASS, were approved as measures of the ability of a student to benefit from post-secondary instruction.

The minimum passing scores for such students on the ASSET test were:

Writing Skills: 35
Reading Skills: 35
Numerical Skills: 33

The minimum passing scores for such students on the COMPASS test were:

Writing Skills: 32
Reading Skills: 62
Pre-algebra: 25

Course Selection

State and federal financial assistance is available to assist students in pursuing their program of study. To receive funding, a full-time student must be enrolled in at least 12 credits that are required for the student’s degree program. Students receiving part-time funding must be registered for less than 12 credits and the aid will be based only on the coursework that is required of the degree program.

All courses attempted also will count toward the calculation of credits for the maximum timeframe standard (150 Percent Rule) under the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.

Good Academic Standing

Students must meet the college’s good academic standing requirements as outlined under Policies and Procedures to be considered for financial aid eligibility. Additionally, to receive federal financial aid, students must meet the federal satisfactory academic progress requirements as outlined below. To receive state financial aid, a student must meet the state academic progress requirements, also outlined below.

Federal Satisfactory Academic Progress

To be eligible for federal Title IV student aid, a student must demonstrate satisfactory academic progress. Under federal law and regulation, the college is required to establish, publish and enforce minimum academic standards for the continued receipt of federal Title IV student aid. A satisfactory progress policy must include both a qualitative measure and a quantitative measure of the student’s progress. At Hudson Valley Community College, the qualitative standard is measured using the student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA)1 as calculated by the Registrar’s Office, and the quantitative standard is measured using the student’s percentage of overall credit hours earned (overall credit hours earned divided by overall credit hours attempted). Additionally, a measure of maximum timeframe (150 Percent Rule) is performed as a part of the policy (see SAP Measurement Standards). Students must meet the minimum requirements of the SAP policy to retain eligibility for federal Title IV student aid.

The Title IV student aid programs affected by the satisfactory academic progress policy are the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), Federal Work-Study Program, and the Federal Direct Loan Program (including the Subsidized, Unsubsidized and Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students). Additionally, many scholarships and alternative funding sources may have specific requirements regarding satisfactory academic progress.

1 Fresh Start and credit exclusions do not affect the cumulative GPA for the measurement of academic progress.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Table
Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress for Determining Continuing Eligibility for Federal Title IV Student Aid
Minimum Academic Progress Requirements
Associate Degree/Certificate Programs
Satisfactory Academic Progress



Attempted Credit Hours

Minimum Cumulative
Grade Point Average (GPA)

Percentage of Overall
Credit Hours Completed
3-18.99 1.0 50%
19-35.99 1.3 60%
36-47.99 1.7 67%
48+ 2.0 67%
  • Remedial classes are not included in SAP calculations.
  • All attempts of any course will be included in the calculation of 150% maximum timeframe and Percentage of Credit Hours Completed.
  • All incomplete grades must be submitted within 30 days of the start of the next enrollment term.
  • The number of overall attempted credit hours is the sum of all attempted credit hours at Hudson Valley Community College including College in the High School coursework and all transfer credit hours accepted by the college.
  • The Percentage of overall credits earned will be rounded to the nearest percentage (i.e. .745 will be rounded up to .75 but .744 will be rounded down to .74)

Eligibility for Federal Student Aid

All students must meet specified criteria in order to be eligible for the Title IV Federal Student Assistance, which includes Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, Federal Student Loans, the Federal Work-Study Program, and the Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students. The criteria that students must meet to be eligible for Title IV student aid are the same criteria all HVCC students must adhere to in terms of institutional academic policies and, specifically, academic progress requirements.

The evaluation criteria are the following:

  1. Appropriate minimum cumulative grade point average.
  2. Successful accumulation of credits toward a degree.
  3. Receipt of a degree within the prescribed time limit for the student’s program.
1. Cumulative Grade Point Average

in order to remain eligible for Title IV Federal Student Aid, a student must meet the minimum cumulative grade point average requirements of the above chart that coincide with their overall attempted credit hours.

2.Pace of Progression

Federal student aid (Title IV) eligibility is also related to the ratio of credit hours completed versus credit hours attempted. This component of eligibility is referred to as pace of Progression or Pursuit of Program. Pursuit of Program is defined as: the cumulative number of credit hours completed divided by the cumulative number of credit hours attempted. This equation is tied back into the overall credits needed to be earned to graduate for any degrees/certificate programs. Percentages are rounded up for this calculation. For example, a student completing courses at a rate of 66.5 to 66.9 percent will be considered to be completing courses at a 67 percent rate.  Students receiving federal student aid from Title IV programs must be making progress towards their degree at the cumulative rates of completion as follows:

  • 50% cumulative rate of completion for undergraduate first-year students.
    • (3-18.99 credits attempted).
  • 60% cumulative rate of completion for undergraduate second-year students.
    • (19-35.99 credits attempted).
  • 67% cumulative rate of completion for all other undergraduate class years.
    • (36-47.99 credits attempted).
  • 67% cumulative rate of completion for all other undergraduate class years.
    • (48+ credits attempted).
3. 150% Maximum Timeframe

To quantify academic progress, the College is required to set a maximum timeframe in which a student is expected to complete a program. At Hudson valley Community College, the maximum timeframe cannot exceed 150 percent of the published length of the program, measured in credit hours attempted. For example, students in associate degree programs where the published length of the program is 60 credit hours can receive federal student aid through the point when they reach 90 attempted hours (one and one-half times the published length of program). The maximum timeframe evaluation for transfer students will consider both those credits attempted at Hudson Valley Community College and those accepted as transfer credit by the College.

Title IV Aid: Satisfactory Academic Progress Review Process

All students will be reviewed for Satisfactory Academic Progress by the College at the end of each term of enrollment in order to comply with federal regulations. Standard evaluation terms are Fall, Spring, and Summer. Students who attend intersession and wish to be evaluated for those terms will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. This review will monitor a student’s status in each of the three evaluation criteria. Based on this review, each student will be determined to be in one of four eligibility categories as noted below. Students will be notified of any change in status which affects eligibility for Title IV aid.

Students meets both Qualitative and Quantitative Measurements. Student does not meet Qualitative and Quantitative Measurements Student does not meet Qualitative and Quantitative Measurements after Warning term.* Student successfully appeals loss of financial aid.** Student failed to meet SAP after probationary term or did not meet requirements specified in academic plan.


*Students may submit appeal to attempt to regain eligibility for aid.

**Students are placed on Financial Aid Probation for one payment period. Probationary period may be extended if student cannot regain SAP within one payment period defined by Academic Plan-Academic Plan only required if student is not expected to meet SAP requirements within one payment period.

Financial Aid Status Categories
  1. Eligible-meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements and eligible for Title IV aid.
  2. Financial Aid Warning-not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements at the end of the previous term, but still eligible for Title IV aid.
  3. Financial Aid Dismissal-Not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements and not eligible for Title IV aid.
  4. Financial Aid Probation-Not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements but eligible for Title IV aid based on an approved appeal and an approved academic plan if student is unable to mathematically regain eligible status within one payment period.

Students will be determined to be in the eligible category when meeting the calculated Cumulative Grade Point Average, Pace of Progression, and Maximum Timeframe requirements or when previously on Financial Aid Probation and currently working under and meeting all conditions of an approved academic plan.

Financial Aid Warning

Eligible students who are not meeting any one of the Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements at the end of a term will automatically be placed in a status of Financial Aid Warning. Students placed in this status will remain eligible for one additional semester of Title IV aid.

Financial Aid Dismissal

Students already in a status of Financial Aid Warning will be placed in the Dismissal category if any of the following conditions are met at the time of review:

  • The student is not meeting the Pace of Progression Requirements.
  • It has been determined that the student is no longer able to complete the degree requirements within the maximum timeframe as outlined in an Academic Plan. Note that this is not the point at which the student has attempted the maximum allowed credit hours.
  • The student is not meeting the Grade Point Average Requirements.
Financial Aid Probation

Financial Aid Appeals 

Students in the ineligible category may appeal that status based on extenuating circumstances such as the death of a relative, an injury or illness of the student, family difficulties, such as divorce or illness, interpersonal relationship issues, difficulty balancing work, athletics, family responsibilities, etc., and school, and financial difficulties or other special circumstances. 

Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Financial Aid Office to be reviewed by the Waiver Committee and must include the following:

  • Why the student failed to make progress toward the degree.
  • What has changed that will allow the student to make progress.
  • Documentation supporting the information included in the appeal. Such documentation could include, but is not limited to, communication from doctors, counselors, or other service providers, police reports, confirmation of use of academic support services, medical records, signed statements from third parties knowledgeable of the situation, etc.

If an appeal is approved, the student will be placed on Financial Aid Probation status and will regain eligibility for title IV aid. Students on Financial Aid Probation may receive Title IV aid for one semester if it is determined that the student should be able to meet all Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements by the end of that semester. If it is determined that the student will not be able to meet all Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements by the end of one semester, an academic plan can be developed to allow for additional semesters of eligibility as indicated in that plan. Students without an approved academic plan who do not meet all Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements after one semester of Financial Aid Probation will be again placed in the ineligible category. Additional appeals are allowed as long as the circumstances are not identical to those that were used for a previous appeal.

Academic Plan

Students in Financial Aid Probation status who will not meet all Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements with one semester may regain Title IV aid eligibility by developing and following a specific academic plan. The need for an academic plan will be determined during the appeal process. Students in need of an academic plan will need to submit a plan proposal which specifies the following:

  • The specific date or scheduled time when the plan will end, and the student should be meeting all Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements.
  • The cumulative GPA which must be reached or maintained each semester such that the cumulative GPA will be meeting the minimum progress requirements when the plan ends.
  • Any changes made to the maximum number of credits which can be attempted.
  • The percentage of attempted credits which must be successfully competed each semester such that the Pace of Progression will be meeting the minimum progress requirements (or the new requirements established in the plan) when the plan ends.
  • Other requirements deemed necessary which are related to the circumstances of the student’s successful appeal.

Students who are successfully following all conditions of an approved Academic Plan will be considered eligible for Title IV aid.

The Academic Plan submitted must be completed with your Academic Department.

Denied Appeals

Students who are denied SAP appeals may stay enrolled if other payment arrangements are made and charges have been accepted.

Deadlines for Appeals

Appeals must be submitted no later than noon on the first day of classes for the term of its intended use. Please note: Pending results of an appeal will not prevent a drop for non-payment. If an appeal is granted, processing time is necessary to compile a financial aid decision and authorize aid to your account.

Regaining Eligibility after Dismissal

Students who lost eligibility and have exhausted appeal options must complete coursework without the use of financial aid. When the students attain the required completion rate/grade point average they will regain financial aid eligibility.

Transitioning to the New Policy

Effective Fall 2021, at the conclusion of the term, students will be evaluated based on the revised measurement criteria set forth by the new satisfactory academic progress policy. Any student who does not meet satisfactory academic progress based on the new standard will be placed on Financial Aid Warning and remain eligible for aid for one payment period.

Remedial Coursework

In determining federal aid eligibility, the credit hour equivalent of remedial courses is counted toward enrollment status.

Enrollment Status and Repeat Coursework

A student must be enrolled at least half-time to receive aid from Direct Student and PLUS loan programs and Federal Work-Study (FWS). The Pell Grant may require half-time enrollment, however, enrollment status does affect the amount of Pell Grant a student receives. Half-time enrollment is defined as being enrolled in at least 6 credit hours per semester. Full-time enrollment is defined as being enrolled in at least 12 credit hours per semester.

Enrollment status can include repetition of a previously passed course one time only. The repetition cannot be due to the student failing other coursework. For this purpose, passed means any grade higher than an “F”, regardless of any school or program policy requiring a higher qualitative grade or measure to have been considered to have passed the course. Below are two scenarios in which a student can receive federal aid for repeat coursework:

  • If a student receives an F or W grade, they can repeat the course with the benefit of federal aid until the course is passed with a grade of D or better.
  • If a student passes a course with an A, B, C or D grade, they can repeat that course ONE time only.

Please note: Satisfactory Academic Progress and 150% rules apply. The highest grade is calculated in Grade Point Average. A course can only count as earned once for federal satifactory academic progress.  A repeat course counts as earned in the term only if the student completed the repeat with a better grade. Students should seek advice from the Financial Aid Office if they plan to repeat courses. 

Withdrawals do not count as a retake for the course. College policy states a student can only repeat a course two times, unless an exception is approved by the student’s academic department.

Important: A student CANNOT receive federal aid for repeating a previously passed course due to the student failing other coursework. Example: Student is taking a series of courses (this is common in Health Science programs). Student passes a course(s) early in the series but then fails a subsequent course. Student may choose (or be required by the academic department) to repeat the previously passed course(s) in the series. The repeat of the previously passed course(s), will NOT count in enrollment status for federal student aid.

Return of Title IV Aid

Under the Higher Education Amendments of 1998, federal student aid (Pell, SEOG and Direct Loans) must be recalculated for students who withdraw from or stop participating in all of their courses before completing more than 60 percent of the term. This calculation is required under the Return of Title IV Aid regulation. Students who have no passing grades at midterm will have all aid held until participation can be confirmed.

Official Withdrawals: If a student officially withdraws from all of their courses before completing more than 60 percent of the term, their federal financial aid will be recalculated based on the student’s withdrawal date. The percentage of financial aid eligibility will be directly related to the percentage of the term completed. For example, if a student completes 10 percent of the term, that student will be eligible for 10 percent of their financial aid. If the student completes 30 percent of the term, that student will be eligible for 30 percent of their financial aid.

Unofficial Withdrawals: If a student does not formally withdraw from all of his/her courses but stops participating in his/her courses before completing more than 60 percent of the term, the student is considered unofficially withdrawn from the college and their aid will be recalculated under the Return of Title IV Aid regulation. In the case of an unofficial withdrawal, the effective date of withdrawal will be 50 percent of the term.

Tuition Liability: If a student officially or unofficially withdraws after the end of the college’s refund period, the student is liable for all of their tuition and fees, even if the student’s financial aid decreased. If the student’s financial aid previously covered his/her bill, but no longer covers it after the Return of Title IV Aid calculation, the student will be expected to pay their outstanding tuition and fees. Further, if the student receives a disbursement of financial aid, and the Return of Title IV Aid calculation shows that the student was not entitled to the funds, the student will be billed for the funds, and the overpayment information will be forwarded to the U.S. Department of Education. It will be the student’s responsibility to repay the funds before they are eligible to receive any further federal student aid, even if the student attends another college. This overpayment will appear on the Student Aid Report (SAR) until the overpayment is repaid.

Unusual Enrollment History

Students identified by the U.S. Department of Education as having unusual enrollment history must be reviewed by the Financial Aid Office to determine federal aid eligibility. The Financial Aid Office must determine if there were valid reasons for the unusual enrollment history by reviewing enrollment, college transcripts and financial aid history. Additional documentation from the student regarding failure to earn academic credit will be required. The Financial Aid Office must document the approval or denial of continued federal aid eligibility. The decision is final and cannot be appealed to the U.S. Department of Education. Students who are identified with unusual enrollment history must also complete an Identity and Statement of Educational Purpose Form.

Identity and Statement of Educational Purpose

Certain federal aid applicants are now required to verify their identities and resubmit a Statement of Education Purpose, as was originally provided as part of the FAFSA submission.

The student must appear in person at Hudson Valley Community College to verify his or her identity by presenting valid government-issued photo identification (ID), such as, but not limited to, a driver’s license, other state-issued ID, or passport. The college will maintain a copy of the student’s photo ID that is annotated with the date it was received and the name of the official at the college authorized to collect the student’s ID. Students may also provide this statement via postal mail with an original notarized signature and a copy of valid government- issued photo id.

High School Completion Status

Certain federal aid applicants are now required to verify their high school completion status (i.e. high school diploma, GED or homeschool). College policy requires that students must submit appropriate documentation to the Admission’s Office to prove their status. The Financial Aid Office must review these documents prior to awarding federal financial aid. Additional documentation from the student may be required.

Effect of Drug Conviction

When completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form, question 23 asks if the student has ever been convicted of a drug related offense.

For the 2021-2022 award year, for which the FAFSA cycle has already begun, the drug conviction question will remain on the FAFSA. However, having a drug conviction while receiving federal Title IV aid will no longer impact a student’s Title IV aid eligibility.

Federal Student Aid will be proactively sending emails to students who are associated with 2021-2022 ISIRs received prior to the implementation date and who were determined to be ineligible based on their answers to Selective Service and drug conviction questions informing them about the change in the law and their potential eligibility for Title IV aid. Emails will direct students to contact their institution’s financial aid office.

New York State Satisfactory Academic Progress

New York State academic standards require that a student complete a certain number of credits during each term an award is received, accrue degree credit at specified levels, and maintain a certain grade point average. The requirements are based on the number of state awards received, no matter at what institution, as outlined in the charts below. An Aid for Part-Time Study or part-time summer TAP award counts as one –half of a TAP award. Use of a part–time TAP award reduces the remaining number of awards available on a prorated basis (based on the number of credit hours at the time of each award).

New York State Academic Progress Requirements*

*Academic requirements are continually reviewed by the state and federal governments and are subject to change.

**Students are considered to be in a program of remedial study if they meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Placement exam scores indicated the need for remediation for at least two semesters.
  2. Enrolled in at least six credit hours of non-credit remedial courses in the first term a TAP award is received.
  3. Enrolled in an opportunity program such as EOP.

If a student fails to meet the academic standing requirements outlined above due to extenuating circumstances, New York State allows the college to consider a request for a waiver of the requirements. The student’s situation must be viewed as an exceptional and extraordinary case, meaning the circumstances preventing the student from meeting the requirements were highly unusual and most probably out of the student’s control. The student must be an otherwise serious and successful student. A waiver of the state requirements may only be granted once in a student’s educational career. If a student feels his/her situation warrants use of this lifetime one-time only waiver, the application process begins in the Wellness Center/Counseling Services, located in the Siek Campus Center.

Students must have attained a minimum grade point average of 2.0 at the end of the fourth term in which the student receives state aid. If a student does not meet this requirement due to circumstances that can be demonstrated to have affected the student’s ability to achieve a “C” average at the end of a particular term, the student may request a waiver. Requests for waiver of this requirement are separate from the Waiver of Good Academic Standing Requirements and should be made directly to the Registrar’s Office.

Chart 1 - For students who first received state aid prior to Summer 2010 or for students in a program of remedial study**
After this award 1 2 3 4 5
This many degree credits must be accrued 3 9 18 30 45
This grade point average must be attained .5 .75 1.30 2.0 2.0
In the term of this award, this many hours must be completed 6 6 9 9 12


Chart 2 - For students who first received state aid in Summer 2010 or thereafter
After this award 1 2 3 4 5
This many degree credits must be accrued 6 15 27 39 51
This grade point average must be attained 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.0
In the term of this award, this many hours must be completed 6 6 9 9 12

Remedial Courses

In determining state financial aid eligibility, the credit hour equivalent of remedial courses is counted toward enrollment status if the student is required to take the courses based on placement test results. For TAP purposes, first-time TAP recipients must be enrolled in at least 3 credit hours per term that pertain to their degree program. Students who have received TAP previously must be enrolled in 6 credit hours per term that apply to their degree program.

Repeat Courses

Courses in which a grade of “D” (“C”, if that is the course’s passing grade) or better was previously earned do not count toward a student’s enrollment status for New York State grants and scholarships.


The college offers a quality education at a fraction of the cost of most private colleges and universities. Each spring semester, the college and the Hudson Valley Community College Foundation are proud to offer nearly 100 scholarship opportunities that make HVCC even more affordable. Information for both new and currently enrolled students can be found on our website at or by contacting the Foundation Office at (518) 629-8012 or emailing