Feb 06, 2025
2021-2022 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ESLS 102 English Composition II for English as a Second Language StudentsThis course expands on the processes and techniques begun in Composition I for English as a Second Language Students, with additional focus on oral presentation and technical writing/communication. Intensive instruction will be given on those elements of English grammar and syntax that present difficulties for ESL students. Also included throughout is the reading of relevant, professional writing, which will promote student awareness of the role of written expression in both the world at large and in academic and professional life. Open only to non-native speakers of English. Open only to non-native speakers of English. NOTE: This course satisfies the English Composition II requirement. Credit can only be received for one of the following: ENGL 102 English Composition II , ENGL 104 English Composition II: Writing About Literature , ENGL 106 English Composition II: Writing for Technicians , ENGL 108 Honors Composition II , or ESLS 102, English Composition II for English as a Second Language Students. Pre-requisite(s): ESLS 101 English Composition I for English as a Second Language Students or ENGL 101 English Composition I . Terms Offered: Fall, Spring Offered Distance Learning: No Liberal Arts and Sciences Designation: Humanities SUNY General Education Designation(s): Basic Communications Credits: 3 Contact Hours: Lecture: 3