Feb 08, 2025  
2016-2017 College Catalog 
2016-2017 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

CRJS 250 Criminology

This course is a survey of the nature and scope of criminality and prevalent forms of deviance. It will consider the major theories of criminal and deviant conduct drawn from psychological, social and cultural modes of explanation. A discussion of various classifications and topologies and the role of crime statistics will be included, as well as the relevance of these factors for understanding, prevention, control and prediction.
Pre- or co- requisite(s): ENGL 102 English Composition II  or ENGL 104 English Composition II: Writing About Literature .
Offered: Fall, Spring, DL
Liberal Arts and Sciences Designation: SSC
SUNY General Education Designation(s): SS
Credits: 3
Contact Hours:
Lecture: 3