All State University of New York (SUNY) institutions offering undergraduate degrees require, as a condition of graduation, that candidates for a bachelor’s degree complete an academically rigorous and comprehensive core General Education curriculum of no fewer than 30 credit hours. This comprehensive core is specifically designed to achieve the student learning outcomes in 7 out of 10 knowledge and skill areas. Courses that satisfy the 10 knowledge and skills areas are designated in the catalog with the following codes: mathematics (MT), natural sciences (NS), social sciences (SS), American history (AH), western civilization (WC), other world civilizations (OC), humanities (HU), the arts (AR), foreign language (FL), and basic communication (BC). Two competencies are infused throughout the General Education program: critical thinking and information management.
The courses listed below are those Hudson Valley Community College courses that satisfy requirements in the 10 SUNY-mandated knowledge and skill areas.
In order to earn a degree from a four-year SUNY institution, students must demonstrate competency in 7 out of 10 knowledge and skill areas listed below. All students are required to complete 30 credits of general education coursework. Mathematics and Basic Communication are required areas of all students. In addition, competency must be demonstrated in at least 5 of the remaining 8 categories. Students are encouraged to complete as many General Education requirements as possible before transferring to a four-year school. Requirements may be met at Hudson Valley Community College through completion of coursework, credit by examination, and waiver through high school work and subsequent Regents exams.
Complete information may be obtained from a student’s academic advisor. Using the abbreviations cited above, each individual course description identifies which General Education requirement the course will fulfill. Please note that some courses appear in more than one area, but can only be used to fulfill one requirement.
Note: Courses that have an asterisk (*) to the right of them indicate that the course appears in more than one knowledge and skill area, but can only be used to fulfill one requirement.