Department Chairperson: Ricky P. Thibodeau​
Brahan Hall, Room 219, (518) 629-7225
The Advanced Data Analytics Microcredential addresses that using data skills is a critical and essential function in most professional organizations. In addition to applying and analyzing analytics, students will learn computing and information sciences, programming, and machine learning analytics.
Taken over a few semesters, this microcredential will demonstrate a student’s ability to communicate analytics to a wide range of stakeholders.
The Advanced Data Analytics Microcredential can be taken on its own or part of a stackable Microcredential with students taking the Introduction to Data Analytics Microcredential.
The Advanced Data Analytics Microcredential can be met through either full- or part-time study and through day and online offerings.
Note: If a student pursues the Advanced Data Analytics Microcredential without the Introduction to Data Analytics Microcredential, they will be required to complete CMPT 115 Business Analytics.